Wednesday, 18 June 2008

The ZeitGeist Movie

This is more of an endorsement than an actual article. If you have not seen this documentary then I highly recommend you do so, it is a real eye-opener. You can watch it for free online HERE.

The Zeitgeist Movie is split into three sections: Part 1 is about the origins of religion, Part 2 is about 9/11 and Part 3 is about the control and manipulation of the markets by a select group of international bankers, followed by a section at the end unifying all three parts of the film. If you enjoy this film then I urge you to watch The Money Masters and Loose Change, both can be found in their entirety online for free on Google video. Just search for them by name and you should find them without too much hassle. These two films expand in detail the points raised in Zeitgeist and give a more concise account of what is really going on in the world.

If for any reason you cannot find them just send me a message and I will see if I can get a copy shipped out to you as they are a real “Must See”.

Sunday, 15 June 2008

The 42 Days Bill

I don’t tend to write about Politics in this blog, although it is something that interests me very much (any of my friends could tell you that). However, this story is relevant to this site, and as such it is something I feel should be addressed.

Recently the House of Commons passed the bill to keep “Terror” suspects locked up for 42 days without trial or charges filed against them by a majority of less than 10 (if my memory serves me correctly it was 306 to 315, but I may be wrong). Gordon Brown said it was a pre-emptive policy, as terror cases become more complex and cross international borders, more time is needed to collate important evidence. He continued to say that although this was not needed at present, in the not-to-distant-future it would be so instead of waiting for the situation to arise and attempt to get an emergency bill passed when they develop, he would do it now in our current state of “calm”. The Conservative’s argument was that the bill had so many concessions that it was now unworkable and that it was taking away our basic civil liberties, which is my main point of writing this article.

My first concern is the term “Terror Suspect” and the actions of “Terrorism”. The so-called “War on Terror” is so hard to define, and the very few factors that are obvious tend to be ignored by the media. The War on Terror is in fact the war against Islamic Extremism but the media will never say that for fear of offending the Muslim population. But that never stopped them when Britain’s terror threat came from Northern Ireland did it? A Terrorist is someone who (as the name suggests) causes terror in society to gain political or ideological advancement. But how long will it be before the state decides that OTHER crimes class as Terrorism and start using this new piece of legislation to lock up run of the mill criminals?

Ok, let us imagine a scenario. Football violence increases to the levels it was in the 1980’s, and football firms start fighting more and more. One day a huge fight breaks out and the police move in and arrest everyone in the area, which includes innocent bystanders and people who had to defend themselves from would be aggressors. A self-employed father of five is caught up in the middle of it all, arrested and held in a police cell. As there are so many people to interview, cameras to check and so forth the police decide to hold this man for 42 days. Meanwhile, he loses his livelihood (you cannot just take one and a half months off and expect to still get an income if you own your own business) and has his house repossessed for failure to pay his mortgage. His wife and children have to live in refuge centres as without an income they cannot afford to rent a house. The point is that by allowing the 42 day detention bill to be passed is it will inevitably become common practice for police, driving us more towards the police state we so desperately do not need.

Also, as the current holding period is 28 days (I believe), if you arrested someone and have NO evidence to charge them after an entire month of investigation then maybe they are innocent. To arrest someone for “Terrorist” activities you must have got some intelligence and evidence they are indeed plotting something?? Surely there are better ways? How about house arrest for an extra fortnight after the 28 day period? Electronic tagging even would be a better idea then locking them up. That way you get to keep one or two of your civil liberties but also the police can keep an eye on you whilst they “collate” all the relevant data”.

This bill is another step towards a 1984-esque Orwellian state, and we all must oppose it in any way we can. If we allow this to continue, before we know the powers-that-be will have used this false “War” to convince the entire population individual microchip implants are the best way to keep us “safe”. Think that is a bit far fetched? It is already happening in America, and people are CHOOSING to do this because of the false propaganda the US government pollutes the people with.

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Deja Vous

Everyone has experienced Deja Vous at some point in their life. That eerie feeling of recognising the situation you are in even though you not sure how or why can be distressing for many people. But what exactly is Deja Vous and what causes it? There are a normal of theories regarding this topic, from the neurobiological to the downright outlandish.

One of the more conventional theories is that put forward by neuroscientists. Sometimes the brain will receive the same information twice, confusing the individual to get that “familiar” feeling. Information is sent through the brain by a vast and complex structure of neurones that send and receive signals to all the relevant places. When it comes to vision, the brain has two separate pathways for the information to travel just in case one pathway is damaged. The main route is called the geniculate striate pathway that leads to the occipital lobe of the brain (which can be found at the rear of the cerebral cortex) where the information is processed. One theory of Deja Vous is that the signal goes down both pathways to the occipital lobe where the brain instantaneously process both signals which causes the feeling of familiarity. So basically the feeling of familiarity is real, as the brain has (just milliseconds before) processed the exact same information.

But lets be honest, most of you read this blog do for the more crazy and random theories. So, let us have a look at some of these.

One of my personal favourites is the “Repeating Life” theory. Basically, the idea is that life is eternally repeating and you live the same life over and over again. Deja Vous is simply remembering an aspect of one of your previous existences that should be hidden away in your mind for whatever reason. Now as much as I would love this to be true, unfortunately there are too many flaws to this theory for my liking. For one, what would be the point in living the same life over and over and over again? What possible benefits could it have? Also, if all the information from a persons past lives are stored in your brain (as it would have to if the theory of Deja Vous is correct) then why does this never come out during situations like hypnotic regression? I understand people do get past life experiences brought up through regression, but it is never the same life as the one they are living. They are usually Cleopatra or a Spartan warrior (but curiously rarely a Chinese peasant!!). However, if the “Repeating Life” theory is true then this may explain precognition. If we have lived the same life over and over then like Deja Vous, precognition may work on the same basis. Instead of working in the present like Deja Vous does, precognition works by “remembering” the future. Try testing that in a laboratory-based experiment…

Another idea to explain Deja Vous is that from an evolutionary angle (my apologies to any “Creationists” reading this). Most people find the feeling of Deja Vous to be very distressing, unnecessarily experience but there is not a lot of human behaviour that cannot be somehow linked to evolutionary by-products. The idea is that years ago, in mankind’s early stages of evolution, cognitive development created a kind of early warning system for danger. We have all had a “bad feeling” about a situation and the idea that Deja Vous is a misconstrued cognitive response to potential danger does sound quite interesting, but how much truth there is to it is a totally different debate.

Either way, Deja Vous is a strange human phenomenon and is relatively unexplained by hard scientific evidence. Until this evidence emerges the less conventional hypotheses can took and root and grow as time goes on.

Friday, 6 June 2008

Grey Aliens, Dolphins And An Interesting Comparison

Well, here it is, the eagerly-anticipated “Aliens” post. I hope it lives up to its expectations.

Aliens have long been an area of major division. The notion of advance beings coming from far away planets seems ludicrous to some people. Anyone who knows me can tell you I am a FIRM believer in aliens visiting Earth, and would even go as far to say that I think they live amongst us at this very time. I will admit I have a bit of a bias on this subject, so pretending I do not would be a waste of time. However I can fully understand why people find it hard to believe and I can take that onboard, unless that is of course you are using “Creationism” or similar religious ideas as evidence, in that case I am not interested.

There are reportedly whole ranges of different “Breeds” of aliens out there, from reptilians to humanoids. But the most common is the Grey alien.

Typical Grey Alien

Grey aliens appear a lot in modern popular culture, and when people think of aliens they usually have a mental image similar to the image above. Grey’s are thought to originate from the Zeta Reticuli binary star system some 39 light years away from Earth. This star system consists of two yellow dwarf stars, Zeta 1 and Zeta 2, and some astronomers believe they can support life if there is a planet at the correct orbital distance from one or both stars. The main reason many researchers in Ufology think this is the origin of the Grey is due to an American couple named Betty and Barney Hill. The Hills are often credited with throwing the idea of “Alien Abduction” into the mainstream. Many years after their alleged abduction, Betty Hill went under hypnotic regression and drew a star map that was apparently shown to her during her abduction by the Greys. For years no one could find any star system that matched her drawing, but eventually they did and it was the Zeta Reticuli system. So to this day many people believe this is their origin, and why some people call Greys “Zetans”.

But if Greys were real, how would their evolution have differed from ours? Well, here are a couple of theories:


There are some scientists out there who believe that Greys are in fact laboratory-engineered clones created by some other advanced life forms and designed specifically to deal with the stress of space travel. Supporters of this idea say that Greys notorious lack of empathy may be due to them being organic robots, operating under their programming to perform tasks with no emotion.

Hollow Earth

Not as popular as it used to be, the “Hollow Earth” theory is just as it sounds. That there are intelligent life forms living in giant subterranean caverns below our feet and that the UFO’s we see in our skies in fact come from underground. There is only one real source of decent evidence I can find, and that comes from Nazi Germany. Hitler and Himmler were very interested in the occult and allegedly sent a plane to the North or South Pole (I forget which one) to find the entrance to Hollow Earth. As the plane flew across the baron ice filled landscape they noticed a huge city beneath them and their plane was then landed via remote control by an unknown force. Once landed they were greeted by Greys and the crew stayed in the Hollow Earth city for many years before returning to Berlin with new sciences that the Greys showed them. At the end of WWII most Nazi scientists were took to America, and you can see how a conspiracy theory started from that.


Always a popular theory is that Greys evolved from a creature similar to our dolphin. Theoretically it does make a lot of sense and out of all the ideas floating around about Greys this one is by far the most plausable. The most noticeable thing about Greys is their grey skin (hence the name, Grey Alien) and is very similar to that of a dolphin. Without an actual sample of a Grey’s skin this would impossible to verify, but there is more evidence to support the dolphin idea than just skin colour. The eyes of the Grey are always reported as big and with a black “eye shield” covering the pupil. On Earth, many water-based creatures evolve these to deal with low light levels found in the ocean, which would suggest Greys evolved in a low level light environment. Another factor that suggests Greys come from Dolphin-like creatures is their very large heads. The size and shape of the cranium infer that Greys have an enlarged rear (occipital) and frontal lobe, a feature that is common in dolphins. During many abduction cases, victims often report that they were unable to move when a Grey looked in their direction, but as soon as the Grey looked away they regained physical control. Certain species of dolphin can disable small fish using sonar, and marine biologists have found that these waves can cause significant changes at cellular level. With many years evolution, it is not that unbelievable that Greys have adapted this technique from an existing skill they gained from millions of years of evolution.

So there are a few theories as to the origins of Grey aliens. It is worth highlighting that not so long ago, elves and pixies were the equivalent of Greys in popular culture. Maybe Greys are just part of human social evolution and popularity, or maybe we really are not alone. Until they officially make their presence known, Ufology will always remain a psuedo-science.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

New Article

I will posting a new article in the next couple of days. I have been revising for exams and as I have my last exam on friday morning I will have the time to add the finishing touches to it. So check back friday or saturday and it will be up.


Thursday, 29 May 2008


Apparently I am now doing "requests". That's right, if you have a certain topic you want me to write about, please email me or leave a comment.

The next article I will be publishing is a peice requested by a reader, which should be up in the next few days.

Sunday, 25 May 2008

9/11 Part 2: World Trade Centre 7

Most people do not even know that another building collapsed on 9/11 apart from the twin towers. This building was World Trade Centre 7 (WTC7), otherwise known as the “Soloman Brothers” building (see HERE). It was not hit by a plane, only had very small fires on a couple of floors, yet collapsed at free-fall speed at around 5:30pm. Official explanation? Well, there is none. The official 9/11 commission report did not even mention it. Not once! This is why WTC7 is often referred to as “The Smoking Gun Of 9/11”. So, what happened to WTC7 and why did it fall?

The landlord for the World Trade Centre complex is a man called Larry Silverstein. Shortly after 9/11, he gave a filmed interview stating that he told the fireman to “Pull it”, which is an industry term used by demolition experts to collapse a building (HERE). Normally it takes weeks, even months to carefully plant explosives to bring down a building. Yet Silverstein managed to do it in the space of a few hours, with half the emergency services tied up with the collapse of the towers (or dead in many cases, RIP NYPD / NYFD!) and all flights grounded? Does anybody believe that? I sure as hell don’t!

Below is a map of the WTC layout, highlighting which buildings collapsed:


Notice how WTC5 and WTC6 are actually between the twin towers and WTC7. Just to point out, WTC5 and WTC6 are still standing and operational to this day.

The Soloman Brothers building was a 47 storey, steel framed building that was completed in 1987. Since it was destroyed, a new building now exists on the site. A FEMA report conducted after the collapse said the cause of collapse was fire, even though no fire has ever fully destroyed a steel building, yet on 9/11 it destroyed three. A good visual aid to see the difference can be found HERE. Now, do you still think fire caused the collapse?

Like I said, I am just going to explain each part of 9/11 in parts, then look at it holistically in my final 9/11 post.

Time Travel

Time travel has been a long time love affair for a lot of people. The notion of being able to jump forwards or backwards in time and visit places you could only read in history or science fiction books has always been appealing to many, myself included. Each and every one of us have a certain period in time they would love to go to, be it ancient Egypt, watch dinosaurs in their own natural habitat or see what becomes our own species in the years to come. The question has to be, just how possible is it?

Let us start by thinking about travelling forwards in time. There has been extensive work carried out in the area of cryogenics. Cryogenics in reality is the study of anything cold, the science of deep freezing people to be re-animated at a later date is actually called Cryonics. Cryonics is a theorised process whereby you “Freeze” a person, leaving them in a state of suspended animation and then “defrosting” them years into the future. Sometimes it is not a full person that is frozen, there are companies out there who will freeze just a head in the hope that in the future the illness of death has been cured, and the person’s head can be brought back to life. A few decades ago, a Russian scientist by the name of Sergei Brukhonenko surgically removed the head of a dog and attached it to a machine that mimicked what would be the dogs’ vital organs. After testing, Brukhonenko found the dogs head reacted to the environment around it, including sound and being ticked with a feather (a rather creepy video of it can be found HERE). So the idea that in the future we would not have the technology to create a whole body is simply not true. We only have to look at stem cell research to know that we may be able to “grow” whole new bodies in a laboratory in the not too distant future, but could the brain survive the deep froze is the main point here.

One of the major problems that has yet to be resolved in cryonics is how to freeze someone without damaging the cells. The human body is about 60-70% water and when water freezes it expands (we all remember the high school science experiments), thus causing the cells to rupture. This is a major obstacle when it comes to neurones, the cells that make the brain function. If they are damaged the person cannot be brought back to life properly. Of course, in the future they may be able to repair neurones but as we cannot be sure, we have to presume it is impossible.

Cryonics is not technically “Time Travel”. The idea of time travel is that we can jump aboard a vessel, like a spaceship or something resembling the TARDIS from Dr Who and instantaneously jump from one point in time to another. Theoretically this is possible, but has some SEVERE drawbacks. Under the laws of physics, if you set off from earth in a craft that could reach, say 95% the speed of light, and flew in a giant arc and came back to Earth then the people in the craft may only have been away for an hour or so, but Earth could have aged by years, even decades or centuries (known as Time Dilation). This would be a form of time travel, but sadly at present we could never do this. Two main reasons for this is that the fuel required to do this would weigh so much, we would need extra fuel to power the extra fuel, and the cycle continues. Also, the theory of relativity suggests that the closer to the speed of light an object gets the larger in mass it becomes. So as you can see, “future” time travel at present is not so much implausible, just HIGHELY impossible with today’s technology.

Now, travelling to the past. Let us presume for a second we can actually do this. Let us imagine that some scientist somewhere has built a machine similar to that described in H.G. Wells book “The Time Machine”. One of the major issues that arises is the notion of “paradoxes”. “Everett’s many-worlds interpretations” theorises that so-called “parallel universes” are formed at every stage a decision is made. Branching out like a tree, the idea is that whenever there is more than one possible outcome of any situation, an alternative parallel universe is created to see how the other situation would pan out. A concern of theoretical physicists is that if we went back in town, our actions could have a “Butterfly Effect” on world history, thus changing the future. Say for example if we went back in time and accidentally killed someone with a horse and cart. The death of that one individual could radically change the future, making it unrecognisable to the time travel upon his return to the modern day. Personally, I think if Everett’s theory is correct then going back in time would merely create another parallel universe, and the history that was remains the same. Another thing worth mentioning is the perceptive angle. In quantum physics there are kinds of ions that only become apparent when they are measured. Theoretically, they only come into existence when they are physically measured. Say each parallel universe is not so much about each decision, but about what each individual experiences. To fully grasp abstract time travel theories, we have to change the way we look at not only science, but the world we live in.

People look at a time in the form of a line (hence, time line). Like a car travelling down a road, time is a series of chronologically recorded events going in sequence from the oldest to the most recent. But time is very much a perceptive thing. If you are doing something you enjoy time feels like it is flying past, but if you are doing something mundane and boring, time goes by really slow. So maybe time travel is mental than physical? Probably not, but it is worth thinking about.

To explain my next point I am going to have to bring up an idea I expressed in an earlier post, regarding the Matrix, Doom and source coding. If you missed it, please read it HERE. We always think of travelling as moving in 3-dimenstional space. If we want to get from Birmingham to Cornwall, we have to travel south on the M5 to make our wish of visiting Cornwall a reality. But the rules of travel in our minds are dictated by the source code. In this advance computer-style program there will be a line of code saying how much a specific distance is, wouldn’t it be possible at some point in the future to change this code, making Cornwall no further from Birmingham as Tamworth is? This is not about changing the landscape, this is thinking about possible solutions for future innovations in travel. The source code idea also dictates direction. We have been conditioned since birth to believe this code is real, and that we can only travel backwards and forwards, side to side and up and down in their many combinations. But what about moving THROUGH the code? Of course, we would have to understand what “The Code” is before this would be possible, but with quantum physics, string theory and other theoretical sciences getting weirder by the minute, maybe we should not rule this out just yet. After all, if distance is dictated by the code, then so will time and eventually if we understand the way the code works, we can manipulate it to travel to different eras in time (and space). It may appear far-fetched now, but who knows, in a couple of hundred years it may be common knowledge. Just to add this in, if the code is real, it can also be manipulated to make real-life teleport machines. Just a thought...

Moving back to normality, has there been any natural occurrence of time travel that may offer a solution? For this, we need to move into the pseudo-science of the paranormal. A well-respected author and researcher by the name of Jenny Randles wrote a book entitled “Time Storms” that looked as this very issue. She looked at cases whereby people claim to have briefly travelled in time and space against their will. A lot of the people who experienced this initially believed it was an alien abduction, but the MO of these events are very unique. I will highlight as generic version of these reports as to give you an understanding of what it involves. This is not a real story, more of a blend of a few real accounts given to Randles by eye-witnesses:

A man was driving home late at night when he became aware of a thick mist of a very strange colour engulfing his car. As the mist got closer all the electrics in the vehicle starting behaving wildly and eventually cut out altogether. The man got a really strange sense sensation, and his entire body started tingling in a way he finds hard to explain. Next thing he remembers (although he does not remember or feels he lost consciousness at any point) is sitting in the dark in his car, but he has lost a significant amount of time and has been transported miles from his last location. Upon realising where he is he feels soaking wet, like he has been swimming, but within seconds he has dried out, like he was never wet in the first place. Upon closer inspection, he realises his car is in a muddy field but there are no tyre tracks leading into the field, as though he car was dropped out of the sky.

This kind of story is not as uncommon as one might expect. If Randles theories about so-called “Time Storms” are correct, then this would be a natural occurring form of time travel. I highly recommend reading “”Time Storms” as it is a fascinating read. You can buy it off Amazon for less than £7 HERE.

Just because something seems outlandish does not mean it is not real. Never believe or disbelieve, but always believe in the possibility.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

Just To Clarify...

... I am not going to post 5 or 6 articles in a row about 9/11. I will break it up. So do not worry, you are not going to get the next 3 months of nothing but 9/11 stuff, be safe in that knowledge.

9/11 Part 1: North And South Towers

As I got a bit of criticism about my last post about lack of references (Thank You TF), I have included links at the bottom of each section. If they do not work for any reason, please let me know and I will repair them. Not all references used are online, so in some cases I have used the next best thing. This is Part 1, I will post the rest in stages at a later date.

The events that took place on 11th September 2001 in New York City have gone down in history as a defining moment in recent World history. From that horrific day we have seen two highly-publicised wars in the Middle East, so called “Anti-Terror” legislation both in America and the United Kingdom and many subsequent terrorist attacks in America, UK, Spain, Bali, Egypt and many others. But just how accurate is the “Official” 9/11 story and how many important questions have been overlooked? First off, let us look at the fore-mentioned “Official” story as published in the “9/11 Report”. I have edited it down quite a bit, or this post would take months to read:

On the morning of the attacks, 19 Islamic Fundamentalist hijackers took control of three inland American commercial passenger planes. American Airlines Flight 11 hit the North tower first, followed by United Airlines Flight 175 hitting the south tower. Another plane, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the pentagon and finally United Airlines Flight 93 crashed into a field outside of Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The south tower collapsed first at roughly 9:59am after burning for approximately 56 minutes, followed by the north tower at 10:28am. Then a few hours later at around 5:20pm, World Trade Centre Building 7, also known as “The Soloman Brothers Building” also collapsed due to “heavy damage from debris from the collapse of the North and South towers”. The US government announced that the ring leader, Osama bin Laden, had orchestrated the attacks from Afghanistan under the veil of the terrorist organisation “Al-Qaeda”.

Let us look at each part individually before we look at it holistically. This post is Part 1, that looks at the Twin Towers.

North And South Towers

The official explanation for the collapse of the both of the twin towers was the “Pancake Effect”, whereby the jet fuel heated the steel supporting structures causing each floor to fall onto the floor below, causing a domino effect (although it is worth highlighting that a steel-structured building has NEVER collapsed due to fire in the history of the world until 9/11, then 3 collapse in one day. That is pretty remarkable you have to admit).

If you have ever seen the collapse of the twin towers it does look remarkable like a controlled demolition. Even BEFORE the planes hit people inside the towers reported explosions in the basement and sub basement areas. Even fireman, Police Officers, Ambulance Crews and members of the public reported multiple explosions after the impact, and large blasts just before the collapse. Add to this the fact that the architects of the WTC complex designed the towers to withstand MULTIPLE hits from aircraft, yet in less than an hour the temperature had got to such a level it caused the core support beams to melt and buckle causing the collapse. Jet fuel burns at 800 - 1500° F, yet steel melts around 2750° F. When fires burn, if thick and black smoke is coming from the source it shows the fire is starved of oxygen. This would have hindered the fire from reaching its maximum temperature of 1500° F anyway, so unless science is different in New York, there is no way fire could have caused the collapse. But there is one thing that could of though, and that is planted explosives.

Now, I know what a lot of you are thinking, that is impossible. I had the same thoughts, until I looked into it. How could explosives be planted inside multi-billion dollar buildings without anyone noticing, or coming forward to say they were involved? After all, people have a conscious and empathy for others. The explanation given for the cause of the collapse is physically impossible. I am not saying it was 100% a controlled demolition with pre-planted explosive charges, but as Sherlock Holmes famously said “when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth “. And sadly, there is more evidence to support the explosive theory than that of the so-called “Pancake Theory”. And I didn’t even mention the molten support cores, angular-cut support beams, collapsing at free-fall speeds and evidence of thermite explosives.



First Plane Hitting

Second Plane hitting

Collapse Vs Demolition Comparison

Recorded Evidence To Support The Demolition Theory

Computer Animation Showing The Internals Of The Twin Towers


Supporting Official Theory

Suppoting Demolition Theory

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Religion Vs Spiritualism

This is a compressed version of a larger peice, so it may seem like it has missing parts (because it has).

After a recent conversation I had with a friend, I thought I would write an article about the difference between religion and spiritualism. Just as a guide to how this is going to pan out:

Religion = Bad

Spiritualism = Good

As beings sharing a relatively small planet and being unable to explain or even comprehend the world around us, a lot of people turn to religious ideas for inspiration, advice and comfort. Although there are a lot of sub divisions, you basically have three choices:

1) Christianity
2) Islam
3) Judaism

I have not included the Sikh and Hindu religions as not many people “convert” to these so to keep it simple I have excluded them. Apologies to any Sikh or Hindu out there...

Now there is a difference between spiritualism and religion. Religion is a set of doctrine and LAWS of what you can and cannot do. Most religions refer back to ancient text and teachings from religious figures and icons as to what is deemed “righteous”. Anything that ventures outside of these laws are frowned upon. As with the three religions stated above, all but one will accept that their religious texts were written by mortal men. All except Islam, which believes that their main religious text, the Koran, is a direct transcription of the words of Allah. Muslims believe that the Prophet Mohammed’s life was righteous, and anything he did can (and in many cases should) be mirrored in their own lives. Not wanting to be accused of “Islamaphobia” or any other state-created term to make certain religions more “socially acceptable” than another, I have a few issues with this. The Prophet Mohammed married his second wife, Aisha Bint Abu Bakr, in around 620 AD. He did not consummate the marriage until 622 because of Hijra, which is the migration of Muslims to Medina. Now, the chilling part of this story is that at the time of consummation, Mohammed was 56 years old, and Aisha was only 9. Yes that is right, she was only 9 years old. This isn’t any kind of twist of religious writings; this is accepted by Muslims and Islamic scholars alike. Does that sound like the best basis for a “Positive” religious movement? Of course not. A religious movement based on the life and times of Gary Glitter would never be accepted, so why is this religion? Simply put, because of numbers.

Any religious movement which has a “Significant” following (you decide what “significant” is) is a religion, anything deemed “small” is seen as a cult, and ostracised from society. Small cults spring up all the time (especially in America) and most end in tragedy such as the People’s temple, Heaven’s Gate, Branch Dravidians’ and the Order Of The Solar Temple to name a few.

This article is not an individual attack on Islam, I mean Christianity and Judaism are just as dangerous. Here are a couple of things you may or may not know about Christianity and Judaism. I will only give on reference per issue, but there are more:


Christianity condones rape in the lords name (Judges 21:10-24 NLT). Christianity also condones the murder of homosexuals (Leviticus 20:13 NAB), Witches (Exodus 22:17 NAB), fortune tellers (Leviticus 20:27 NAB), Adultery (Leviticus 20:10 NLT), non-believers (Exodus 22:19 NAB), False Prophets (Zechariah 13:3 NAB), unmarried non-virgins (Zechariah 13:3 NAB), blasphemy (Leviticus 24:10-16 NLT), working on Sundays (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT) and so forth. I could go on, but you get the point.


I am not going to get in the fact or fiction of jewish conspiracy, to be honest I do not really need to, the Torah is a pretty good reference. Basically, God commits or orders countless acts of genocide as a favour to the Jews, Including butchering the ENTIRE planet, saving only eight people. Here is a list of genocidal references in the Torah:

Deuteronomy 20:16
Deuteronomy 7:12
Deuteronomy 3:3-7
Numbers 31:17-18
Numbers 21:27-35
Numbers 21:1-3

It is not the followers of the religion that are dangerous; it is the religious ideas that are the problem. People find it impossible to change a religious belief and that is often how wars are started. Someone once said “It is better to have an idea than a belief, you can change an idea but you cannot change a belief”. So why is spiritualism different? Well, spiritualism is about trying to understand and better ones self but without using a founded religious structure. We are all one consciousness, and we must all try and feel each other’s pain, and being bound by organised religion will be the death of us all. There are no Muslims, Christians, Goyims or infidels. We are a species, trying to advance to understand our purpose in the universe. If we are ever to end all the wrongs in the world, we are going to require a radical change in people's beliefs.

Monday, 19 May 2008

Sceince Fiction Or Science Fact

Science fiction has an uncanny ability of becoming a reality. In the 1960’s we had Star Trek with their personal communicators (mobile phones 30+ years later) not to mention Jules Vern accurately predicting Nuclear-powered submarines in 1870. There are countless other science fiction films, TV shows and books that have thought up ideas only later to see them emerge in modern society. Now, you can look at how this comes about in a variety of ways. One way could be that anything mankind can think of, we can somehow “create” sciences to make them not only plausible, not eventually possible. Another way you could look at it is from a quantum physics angle. QP would suggest that time is a manmade concept, and the invention of time is more related to speed than 3-dimensional distance/space. If this is the case then maybe, if we all co-exist in a single space at a predefined moment in “time” then all the knowledge of the past, present and future is also swirling around in there, and we are merely tapping into what is yet to be. But of course EVERYTHING already has happened in the proposed “single space” so all the information is around us all, it’s just a matter of perception. Then of course there is the coincidence theory, not as interesting but still needs addressing.

We have seen that Sci-Fi tends to come true when it comes to technology, but what about Sci-Fi philosophy? A good example of this would be “The Matrix” films starring Keanu Reeves as computer hacker Neo. If you have not seen it, the world has been enslaved by robots and the human race are being used as batteries. To keep the people alive the robots created the “Matrix” which is a computer program designed to make us all believe we are living in the “real” world, having the ability to go about our daily business, when in reality we are stuck in little pods being drained of all our power. Neo escapes (with a little help) and learns the REAL world is a baroness wasteland and the robots rule everything. Of course the plot is a bit more complicated than that, but that is the very rough outline. This is a Sci-Fi movie, how do we know that the idea expressed in the film is not also true? After all Sci-Fi has a nasty pattern of coming to be.

Before we get too far into the Matrix, I want to bring “Doom” into the equation. Doom is a first-person shooter computer game released by ID Software in 1993. Originally Doom was going to be the sequel to the critically-acclaimed “Wolfenstein” but ID Software decided against it. Back in the early days of Wolfenstein, ID Software had fallout with a fellow games company and gave the source code of Wolfenstein to a company that made bible games on the early Nintendo console (NES). ID Software followed this trend of releasing source code’s by publishing Doom’s so that fans could edit their own levels (with free programs such as “DeepSea”). For those who do not know what source code is, it is the computer language that makes games behaviour the way they do. It controls everything, from making walls act like walls and monsters move, all the way down to lighting and detailed environments. If you get the source code wrong, what would appear like a wall may not act like a wall. For instance it may appear solid, but you could move through it or an invisible wall my pop up mid-level stopping you from finishing the game. I know what you are thinking, what has Doom got to do with the Matrix of Sci-Fi at all?

The idea expressed in the Matrix that the world is a sophisticated computer program may not be that farfetched. Of course, when I say “Program” it would be different from the computational approach used in the sciences. After all, physics is the computer language of the known natural world. Let’s say that the world being a computer program is true, it would be written very much like the source code used in games such as Doom. Any mistakes in its writing would affect the way we perceive the environment around us. But is there any evidence of a natural computer program. Well, the answer is YES, it is called String Theory. I will not go into this, as we could be here all day. But if we blend Quantum Physics and the idea of a natural “source Code” together it may offer an answer to a few mysteries.

Look at ghosts. A lot of ghostly experiences are centred around what appears to be someone from a bygone era, doing what they would have done at that time. Remembering that quantum physics imply that all time exists in a single space (or paradox) be it future, past or present, maybe this would explain it. If the source code fails for some reason, then we may be able to see things from the past or future appear like a person (ghost) doing their day to day activities. As ghosts tend to appear in the same places this would suggest that the source code in that area is damaged in some way.

This is not a theory; this is simply an exercise to make people see the world in a different way. Nothing is every as straight forward as our minds would like to think.

The Passage

He just stood there staring at me, his nose not 3 inches from mine. His head tilted slightly to the left and his right eyelid flickering like crazy, I do not think I can talk my way out of this one.
"I said are you fuckin' eyeballing me?"
How do I answer that? Yes, you looked like such a nice guy sat in the corner of this dank bar, with your homemade Nazi tattoos that I felt staring at the biggest, meanest, evilest looking thug would be an appropriate thing to do. I think not. I only came in this place to use a phone. Now it looks like I am going to need it to call my own ambulance. Or an undertaker, the situation is looking grim.
"I don't want any trouble mate, I only came………………"
"I do not want your fuckin' life story mate, I want to know if you were fuckin' eyeballin' me?"

Why would he want to pick on me? The only reason I stand out is because I am wearing a suit. Oh, and that fact that I am over six foot tall and would make an Ethiopian look obese. I cannot help it, it's my metabolism. So many events lead to this current situation, events that at the time seemed so insignificance and meaningless. If I had not applied for that job, if my car didn't break down or if I decided not to eat that mars back in 1987 then maybe I would be somewhere else. Somewhere better. A Hawaiian island perhaps, or cleaning the chairs in a porno theatre. Anywhere has to be better than here. Hang on, his eye is flickering faster, I think he requires a response.

"No mate, I wouldn't dream of it, I only came………………"
"So what? You were staring at me missus then?"
Now I know I am doomed. His partner left as soon as I came in. He has been sat talking to himself for the past 10 minutes. Who can help but "eyeball" him? What a freak, sat there is his ASDA shorts and imitation England football shirt. It is people like him that remind me why I never leave me house unless I absolutely have to.

"Not at all mate, look I don't want any trouble, I only came…………."
"I aint your fucking mate, mate"
Oh, the irony.
"If your gonna get clever with me, I'm gonna fucking stick ya"
With this, he grabs a pool cue leaning against one of the nicotine stained tables next to him. He stares at the end of it for a second, and then looks back at me.
"You want a piece of this then mate, is that it?"

I noticed the other guy who was here earlier has vanished, along with the barman. So much for fucking human empathy then. They would much rather just leave me to get brutalised than put themselves at risk. I suppose it's an evolutionary by-product really. Survival instinct at its best I guess, I shouldn't blame them. Why am I even thinking about this right now? I have more important things to think about, like getting out of this situation.
"Please mate, I have not wronged you"
I can feel myself starting to cry. But what else can I do? It is just him and me, oh, and his pool cue. I pause for a second, thinking of something to say to him, something that will make him see me as a person with feelings, rather than the punch bag I am about to become. I feel my leg begin to shake and a feeling of sheer terror grip my body like a virus. No cure or treatment, only absolute escape can save me now.

"Please mate" I am now in full floods of tears as I begin the pleading procedures. I grasp my hands together like I am in mid-pray like all the Sundays I was dragged to church by my parents. I hated it then, but at this point looking back, it was heaven. I open my mouth but nothing comes out. Only a deafening silence is born into the world. All of a sudden everything goes into slow motion. I see him swing back the cue. Thoughts are rushing through my head. Should I move? Should I just let him go for it and hope he goes easy on me? The cue strikes my face with the force of nothing I have ever felt. My vision instantly gets blurry and I fall to the ground. I see him towering over me, cue above his head. I hope he feels pity for me, and just lets me go. I begin to see the shiny wood get closer to me. I watch it, waiting for the pain to wrap its tentacles around every inch of my body. But it does not. I find myself looking down on my body, watching like an innocent bystander as this stranger I met less than five minutes earlier pummels my rag doll corpse with an implement that once stood for sportsmanship and fairness.

After ten or so more hits he pauses, looks around casual strolls to the door. As I watch him leave, I turn my head and look at my corpse on the floor. Lifeless, but hauntingly beautiful. I see faces start peeking through the door. I feel this is my cue to leave. But where am I going to go? What do I do now that I have perished? As I head for the daylight I can hear people talking outside. One old lady mentions that his wife had just left him as she thought he was mentally unstable. I died in some alien hole somewhere, just to prove some women right? If I had the option of going this way, or not existing in the first place then there would not have been much of a competition.