Sunday 25 May 2008

9/11 Part 2: World Trade Centre 7

Most people do not even know that another building collapsed on 9/11 apart from the twin towers. This building was World Trade Centre 7 (WTC7), otherwise known as the “Soloman Brothers” building (see HERE). It was not hit by a plane, only had very small fires on a couple of floors, yet collapsed at free-fall speed at around 5:30pm. Official explanation? Well, there is none. The official 9/11 commission report did not even mention it. Not once! This is why WTC7 is often referred to as “The Smoking Gun Of 9/11”. So, what happened to WTC7 and why did it fall?

The landlord for the World Trade Centre complex is a man called Larry Silverstein. Shortly after 9/11, he gave a filmed interview stating that he told the fireman to “Pull it”, which is an industry term used by demolition experts to collapse a building (HERE). Normally it takes weeks, even months to carefully plant explosives to bring down a building. Yet Silverstein managed to do it in the space of a few hours, with half the emergency services tied up with the collapse of the towers (or dead in many cases, RIP NYPD / NYFD!) and all flights grounded? Does anybody believe that? I sure as hell don’t!

Below is a map of the WTC layout, highlighting which buildings collapsed:


Notice how WTC5 and WTC6 are actually between the twin towers and WTC7. Just to point out, WTC5 and WTC6 are still standing and operational to this day.

The Soloman Brothers building was a 47 storey, steel framed building that was completed in 1987. Since it was destroyed, a new building now exists on the site. A FEMA report conducted after the collapse said the cause of collapse was fire, even though no fire has ever fully destroyed a steel building, yet on 9/11 it destroyed three. A good visual aid to see the difference can be found HERE. Now, do you still think fire caused the collapse?

Like I said, I am just going to explain each part of 9/11 in parts, then look at it holistically in my final 9/11 post.

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